Deflated Footballs Not The Reason For 45-7 Blowout

Sports media has a large amount of control over what readers believe day to day in the sports world. As an avid Colts fan hearing more about the deflated footballs the New England Patriots seemingly used during the AFC championship game gives me a sour taste in my mouth. Yes, this is considered cheating in any sport especially by the Patriots trying to bend the rules and find ways to win in an unethical way. Once the media had any skeptical idea about the footballs being deflated they seemingly blew up the content all over social media. The news broke out to people all across the world and many people started to hate the Patriots even more than they already do. In reality if the footballs were deflated or not a 45-7 loss is still a blow out. Yes, if the score was a lot closer this case would be a much bigger deal than it already is. Losing by 38 in the NFL is a serious kick in the behind and the Patriots could have honestly used metal balls and still have won. As researchers took a look more in depth on the advantages of these balls they found out they had little to no advantage. Deflating a football can change the way it’s gripped by a player or the way it travels through the air. This allows a receiver to catch the ball easier than normal which gives them an advantage in the end. As a quarterback this necessarily doesn’t help as the speed and rotation is slower than it would be with a properly air filled ball. Overall this case is pointless in my opinion and the media shouldn’t try and make this a bigger deal than it is. The Patriots clearly were the better team and the Colts can now enjoy their off season thinking about how to stop the run on defense for next season.

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